My Grandfather's Word
Weekly Sermons that were written by My Grandfather Theodore Thompson in 1960- through 1964. My Grandfather's Word is a blog Pastor Thompson's Grandson and namesake,Theodore Nance, transcribes into a digital format to share with the world the message of the Lord in my Grandfather's footsteps.
My Grandfathers Words
Due to the amazing ability of our elders, specifically my Grandmother Kathryn Thompson, to preserve some of her most valued possessions. I am able to share with you something I believe to be invaluable. My family stumbled upon a box of my Grandfathers hand written notes and sermons dated from 1960-1964. He was in seminary school in 1960 and was already a father to one and hoping to start his own congregation. I do not intend to elaborate much on what my Grandfathers notes say. Nor will I alter any words I cannot make out. I want to do nothing more than share it with my family, friends and to echo his voice to a generation 50 years after he passed. I never met my grandfather, but I am his namesake. Something, I despised as an early human being. In my manhood, it's something I’ve grown to love and cherish. I hope only to get to know a glimpse of the man who I have never known and in doing so grow in my faith. All I really know is he was a good man, tall, strong, of hardy stock and devout in his belief. He died an agonizing, slow death from a rare disease with no cure, (Scleroderma) while maintaining his strength and religious beliefs in front of his 3 daughters, wife and mother. These are his words and his gospel teachings……