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The Beginning continued

Writer's picture: My GrandFathers WordMy GrandFathers Word

Updated: Mar 22, 2022

Pg. 2

Genesis Chapter 4

Ch. 4 Cain and Able


After Adam and Eve rebelled against Gods will they were punished and sent out of the Garden of Edin.

Question? What other punishments? (Death, more sin, pain, {see children sin])

Also had promise of a Savior. Were a God-fearing family. Worshipped and sacrifices to God.

Had children. Names?

Question? What do you know about Cain’s character?


2. tiller of ground

3.followed forms of worship

5. bad temper-showed in face

7. unruffled by warnings

8. cunning

9.sassy, impudent

13. Self-pitier

14. fearful

Question? When was Cain’s crucial time? When was God making a special call to change his ways?

Gen 4:6,7; 4:9 harder to repent each time.

Question? Why was Cain’s life spared?

Question? What can we assume Abel was like?


Worshipped God in heart and deed

Sinner (offered sacrifice)

Generous – didnt hold back on gifts.

Trusting (friendly to brother)

Question? What kind of wife and mother was Eve?

Looked to God as giver of life.

Accepted promise of a savior.

Real interest in outcome of her children

Taught them about God.

Had large family.


Psalm 95 A song of praise to God our creator. Urges all to bow down and worship God.

1-3 To worship is a joy. Exuberance. Real feelings!

Our attitude in worship? Are we:

Aware of God’s greatness? Power? Presence? Love? Do we come to church to be taught (receive)? Praise and worship? (give)

How do we sing? Pray? Listen?

Active or Passive

Player or spectator

V. 3 Reason for Worship – God is great! (Mighty)

V. 4,5 God is ruler over all; can’t escape his rule. (Rules because he created and sustains)

V. 6 Second reason for worship – He is ours!

Personal God. Separated by sin. United by His Love. (Jesus)

7-11 Warning to not harden our hearts.

We can harden by ignoring as well as deliberate refusal.

Example of lack of faith in wilderness--

Death instead of reward. God’s wrath!

Psalm 100

1. All lands are to serve and worship God.

2. Service is “Glad”

Heart obedience is K of G.

(Example of a forced invitation – no joy)

3. God created. No “self-made man”

4. Why worship?

God is good.

Mercy everlasting

Truth endureth

Pg. 4

Psalm 104

A song of praise as the writer observes all that God has made. Reviews steps in creation. Emphasis on how marvelously God takes care of every detail in caring for beasts, providing water for vegetation.


R 1-2: God blessed (praised with affection) for greatness

Sees God as wearing things of earth like clothing.

(Can’t see God, but see what He wears, creates)

3-4: God inhabits earth (picture language)

5-9: Created earth, regulates waters (set places to abide)

R 10-15: Rain and streams feed beasts and provide food for animals and man

16-18: Provides places for animals to live.

19-23: Sun and moon “knew” their schedule; time for animals to find food – time for man to work, meditate.

Made for our convenience.

24 “Oh Lord, how manifold are thy works! In wisdom hast Thou mae them all: the earth is full of Thy riches.

25-30: The sea is full of creatures; used by ships. All life depends on God for continues sustenance (v. 27) Life and death and creation are God’s work.

R 31-35: Creation will endure forever. God sees it and is pleased. If something displeases God, He easily has power to destroy it This meditation on God’s glory and greatness brings another joy. Wants sinners destroyed; asks us to join in praise!

Lesson Development

1. Purpose: Develop a sense of praise or blessing to God through seeing His power and goodness in creation.

2. Introduce lesson

a. Fourth of July, time of honoring nation; pride gratitude

b. Look at our own area (Southern California) What to be proud of, grateful for-

Question? Why did our families choose this place to live?

Do we see God in our surroundings?

3. Bible Study

a. Writer Pictures God as clothed in nature.

i. Water important (diff between Ariz and Calif?)

(See front of page)

4. Memorize v 24

5. Prayers of praise and thanks

6. Work parts B etc. book.

Pg. 5

The book of Esther

King Ahasuerus, ruler from India to Ethiopia, had a great feast and asked for his queen, Vasti to come before the people. She refused. As an example, to other wives in the land, she as removed as wife and queen and her successor was to be selected from the fairest girls in the land.

Esther who had been brought up by Mordecai, her uncle, was among these brought to the palace harem. She and Mordecai were Jewish, unknown to the king. She pleased the king and became his wife and queen.

Mordecai heard rumors of an assassination plot on the king’s life. He reported; they would be assassins were hung and the incident recorded in the Book of Chronical.

Haman one of the princes in the land became highly honored by the king. Men were to bow to him on sight, but Mordecai refused. Haman, enraged, secured from the king permission to kill all Jew in the land on a given date on the guise that Jews were unloyal and dangerous to the kind’s authority.

Mordecai convinces Esther to change the kings ruling. Meanwhile the King accidentally reads of Mordecai’s previous loyal service and decides to honor him. A plot to kill Mordecai by Haman is discovered and Naman is executed instead. The king gives Esther her request” that the Jews may arm and take vengeance upon those who try to do them harm on the previously appointed day. The Jews killed many adversaries but did not confiscate any loot.

Pg. 6

Book of Ruth

Elimelech and Naomi and their 2 sons go to land of Moab during a famine. The sons marry Moabite wives. Elimelech and the sons die, and Naomi decides to return to Israel. Orpah remains in Moab, but Ruth insists on returning with Naomi.

Ruth gleans in the field of Boaz, a wealthy kinsman of Elimelech. Boaz sees to her welfare in the field, and Ruth provides for Naomi. Boaz agrees with the nearest kinsman that he, Boaz, will redeem Naomi’s land and marry Ruth. Their son, Obed, was the grandfather of David.

Ruth 1:16 - But Ruth said, “Entreat me not to leave you or return from following you, for where you go I will go and where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be y people and your God my God;

Pg. 7

1 Timothy

A letter from Paul to young Timothy

1. Timothy told to stay in Ephesus and prevent the teaching of those who induce “vain discussions” and teach law instead of the true faith, love issuing from a pure heart.

2. Prayers to be made for peaceful living, interceding for all men.

a. Pray without quarreling.

b. Woman to adorn themselves with good deeds; to be silent and not teach over men.

3. Requirements of bishops and deacons.

Not a money lover or drunkard, good example in attitude, temper, family.

4. Warning against “silly myths” especially forbidding things

God created as marriage and certain foods.

Admonished to be a good example, teach the faith.

Suggest attitudes to be a good example, teach the faith.

Suggests attitudes toward elders (like a father) widows (aid only to those without family and too old to remarry), honor elders.

5 Warns against disrespect to masters, pointless argument.

Aim at things of God and so preserve faith.

Tim. 2:3,4 - ….God, our Savior, who desires all men to be saves and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Tim. 2:8 – also women adorn themselves modestly and sensibly in seemly apparel, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly attire but by good deeds as befits woman of religion.

Tim. 4:12 Let no one depose you youth, but set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity,

Tim. 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evils.

Pg. 8

Bible Study of Mark

1. Background

a. Earliest gospel written.

1. Shortest, least “fancy” – record (mainly of actions)

2. Matt. And Luke have almost identical material, but each “slips in” new material in between

3. Written about 70 A.D. (30 years after Jesus’ death)

4. Believed Mark’s main soiree was St. Peter. The gospel remained highly valued even after more complete records were made.

B. Geography

1. Palestine about 30-50 by 150 miles

2. Three political areas

1) Galilee

2) Samaria

3) Judea

3. Major geographical areas

A) coastal plain (rich farmland)

B) hill country (center of land)

C) Jordan Valley (below sea level – very hot)

4. Most of Jesus early ministry, recorded in Mark, in Galilee, “his” State.”

C. Division of Book, overview

1 Preparation 1:1-1:13

2 Proclamation 1:14-8:30

3 Passion 8:31-16:20

2. Chapter 1

a. 1:1 A title

i. Gospel _ good news, all God’s redemptive work OT

Jesus, personal name

Christ, Messiah, one looked for to save, redeem Israel.

Son of God – no question about who he is. Mark is certain, tells us right away.

b. 1:2-8 John’s testimony

i. John was predicted in Isaiah.

ii. John Preached, used his voice to prepare people for Jesus and Holy Spirit. This was his vocation as last of OT Prophets.

Question? 3 What is our calling? I 2: 9-10

4 Repent! Was his message.

Meaning? A turning around

Not just a head sorrow, but a hand sorrow as well

Before against God, now to God

Pg. 9

5 John knew he was just a man.

Saw his role as one of service, yet knew he was not fit even to be a slave of Jesus.

C. 1:9-11 Jesus Baptism

Question? 1 Who was present? (John, Trinity)

2 Gpd declares Jesus is his son (second declaration so far)

D. 1:12-13 Temptation

Small picture of the servant’s life empowered by the holy spirit, tempted by Satan, command over creation, attended by angels.

Beginning of the great battle: Christians vs Demons

Jesus tempted by all things as we are.

E. 1:14-15 Jesus Begins

Question? Kingdom of God= ruler of God in hearts of man. Ezek. 11:19, 36:26

Now in Galilie

1:16-20 Call of Four

Question? Was this their first meeting? John 1: 35-42

1: 21-29 The Unclear Spirit

1. Capernaum

2. Sabbath synagogue for Jesus.

3. People recognize he is different (third time)

4. Jesus removes the spirit.

5. Spirit recognized Jesus (4th time)

6. Demonstration of Jesus’s rule over all forces (a part of K of G theme)

7. Famous now!

1: 29-31 Peres mother-in-law

1. Peter was married.

2. Jesus power in illness

1:32-34 Sunset scene

1. Disease and demons separate.

2. Very popular now.

1: 35-39 Sunrise scene

1. Jesus receives strength for service through prayer and meditation.

2. Jesus planned to have time.

3. Jesus plans to reach out to other cities.

1:40-45 The Leper

Why did Jesus ask him to be silent?

Extreme popularity- now had to be in country.

Pg. 10

Mark Chapters 2 and 3

Review Ch. 1

Gospel = good news of salvation threw Jesus Christ Kingdom = rule of God in the hearts of men John’s message of repentance = turning around

Significance of Jesus Baptism

1. Identification with men

2. Received God’s seal of approval on his mission.

Ch. 2 Note: growing opposition (quiet)

Growing popularity

2:1-12 Paralytic

Setting: houses had outside stairs to roof tore up roof to get in

Example of faith: action! He came! Did not avail himself of excuses!

Problem: Jesus felt sin ---à sickness

*Remember disciples asking: “Who sinned, this man or his father?”

We believe this too sometimes V.D., alcohol, mental illness, originally sin did bring death and disease.

Answer: Jesus healed sin, Healing disease \proved he had healed the sin.

Question? Do we see areas of sin in World conflict?

Labor management? Teenagers? Family arguments? In our own homes? Tempers, Lack of concern, love, self-service.

Sin is paralyzing us too. We need Jesus’ healing!

2: 13-14 Call of Levi

Jesus calls “the scum” – a Quisling – and he accepts (He’s Mathew, author)

2: 15-17 Feasting

Jesus compared to a doctor.

Associates with “rebel scum” those who are sick and need him. (Sick, darkness, asleep, dead) Jesus goes our – doesn’t wait for an “office call”

2: 18-22 Fasting

Problem: If Jesus is so good, why doesn’t he fast even more than us? He does not at very Holy – doesn’t even fast when we do!

Answer: Jesus is not bringing “more of the same.” He is starting a new religion.

Pg. 11

This is a new covenant he’s establishing (rule of God in the hearts of men – not outward rules) This means new customs. Those who have Christ reminded to show JOY! Like at a wedding!

Fasting not condemned

Show Lutheran Herald

Fasting an outward show of repentance

*Helps us remember to meditate (daily 9:00 prayer)

2: 23-28 Grainfields

Sabbath made to help men (not oppress)

Examples of rules and escapes

Human need comes first.

Responsibility to children vs church activities

4th Wise man

1. Helped sick child.

2. Gave ruby when soldiers killing babies.

3. Woman needed pearl to pay debt.

“Whatsoever ye have done….”

Human need.

3: 1-6 Withered Hand

Rules: cut- bandage, no ointment

Cave in- free well, not dead

Nose or throat, ok

Broken limb – no

Human need first; service not ritual

Jesus, Lord of Sabbath

“Son of Man” quote from O.T. that referred to coming Messiah. “He’s declaring himself to be…”

3: 7-12 Withdrawal

Note great popularity (see maps)

Healing’s significance: new age – K of G.

(Jesus’ power over all devils forces)

(Jesus rule in men’s hearts)

3: 17-19 Appointment of Twelve

Some fisherman

One tax collector

Several brothers

Some had been John’s Disciples.

All very ordinary men. Had our weaknesses.

Received power only form God (H.S.)

They came when Jesus called.

Pg. 12

3:19-27 Beelzebub

A. Foolish reasoning: People’s actions based on what their goals are.

People look at our actions too –

What goals are seen?

B. Sinful – claimed Jesus had an “evil spirit.”

C. Claim – Only God stronger that Satan.

He is stronger. He’s God.

3:28-30 Unpardonable Sin

If you care – you are not committed it.

Only H.S. allows us to repent.

3: 31-35 Family of God

Jesus personal family no longer take first place – Jesus Mission now supreme.

Memory Verse: “Whoever does the will of God is my brother, and sister, and mother.”



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