Its been a while. Life got busy, but my passion for this project never left. Lets continue with the study Mark.
4:1-9 The Four Soils
Method of Interpreting Parables
Designed to be the heard and get one main idea - not laboriously like allegories ( pilgrims progress)
Constructed using the very familiar to explain the unfamiliar. See Gods work all around us.
Jesus uses it very often, but OT did too. 2 Samuel 12: 1-7 Spontaneous, unrehearsed.
4: 10- 20 The Explanation
Mystery = unintelligible to man who hasn't given heart to Jesus; one can understand only if one takes Jesus as Master
Quote from Isaiah 6: 9 - 10
1st translated, sounded like God shut hearts
2nd translated, people has shut selves up and
3rd translated, refused to understand
Irony - God sent Isaiah to bring truth to the people, but for all they hear might as well been sent to shut their minds to it.
Jesus feels that way here - sees the crowds who hear and knows the little result in most.
1. People hardened not by hostility, but lack of interest - not relevant
2. Rocky - their layer of soil over limestone easy to start things - hard to finish!
No depth nourishment - never let it go beneath our surface.
3. Thorns - very common in us all.
4. Good Soil
hear (takes time)
receive (not close it out)
Put into Action!
Question? What is the main idea here?
4: 21 - 25 The Lamb
Four verses not related (Scattered all through Matt.)
verse 21 Truth Meant to be Seen
not measure safety
Luthers 9.5 Thesis
Christianity to be seen
Martyrs didnt conceal their faith
4: 22 - 23
Truth Prevails - astronomy
Our lives - we hide from truth of our sin
4; 24 Balance - receive what you give
study worship (not there to be entertained without expectation, preparation)
personal relationships
grouch <---> grouch
happy <-----> happy
4: 25 Law of increase
Skill on craft
ability to bear responsibility
reward of good work is still more work to do
4: 26 - 29 Seed to Grain
K of G - reign of God
God alone creates K of G.
Growth imperceptible, inevitable
4: 30 - 32 Mustard Seed
mustard seed - smallest amount
tree - empire and nations
Never be daunted by small beginnings
4: 33 -34 Many Parables
Adjusted Teaching to ability of listener.
A wise learner goes away to think.
Seeks masters company
4: 35 - 41 The Storm
Jesus gives peace in storms
a sorrow
a problem
5: 14 - 20 The Departure
Never hard to get rid of Jesus
People said "Please don't disturb me, my comfort, my possessions.
Decapolis - one of ten "Greek" cities man to begin witness to "Greek" world.
5: 21 - 24 Jairus like - Pres. of Cong. very important man in community. Left pride, dignity, friends? to come to seek Jesus aid.
5: 24-34 The Woman
"Unclean" disease
had suffered spent much - no help
went to Jesus in secret as last resort
Power - cost - went our of Jesus
Effort needed to help people
insensitivity of disciples - never knew it cost Jesus to heal
Relief of confession
5: 35 - 43 Jairus daughter
Elaborate mourning
rendering garnishments
Contrast between
despair ----- hope
unrestrained distress ------ serenity
Gospel of John
Ch 5: 1- 9
One of 3 feasts
Pentecost (1st fruits)
Tabernacles (full harvest)
Jesus observed rules of worship
NOt a duty - likes to worship with people
Pool, deep enough to swim; fed by underground stream.
part about angel troubling waters not in all versions. Superstition
Washing of Hands
Throw corn in before crossing
spirits in water, air, all about
Jesus and Man
Asks if he wants cure
enjoying illness, responsibility if cured
we must really want help if we are to get it
No lecture - Help!
Man had to work too - over God
Cant sit back and expect God to do it and we rest.
John 5: 10 - 18
Jews pounce on man for carrying bed.
Punishable by stoning.
Man declines responsibility and when he discovers Jesus, tells authorities.
Orig. law against commerce on Sabbath. Today?
Jesus Defense
Gods work continues
Love, compassion, mercy, birth, death, rivers flow, seasons change, God rested from Creation - not acts of love.
Jesus says his work and Gods work the same.
"Sin no more"
Sin <-----> punishment
No excuse to sin again.
"Shall we sin that grace may abound?"
(Now at this junction there appears to be potentially some confusion or lost notes here but im going to continue writing as though this is the order. As the interpreter I may be wrong but lets continue)
6:53 - 56 Gennesaret
Popularity and power
7: 1 - 8
Kingdom of God concept
We like to add rules too. Gods law: LOVE
9 - 13 Corban
Avoiding Gods law for our own
14 - 23
Only way to get clean then to have soul washed "Wash me and I will be whiter than snow."
24 - 30 Greek Woman
Left Israel to be alone
1st preview
31 - 37 Deaf and Dumb
Sign Language - Legion?
8: 1 - 10 4,000
8: 11 - 13 Requests a sign
14 - 21 Leven of Pharisees and Herod..... Who am I?
22 - 26 The Blind Man
Man needed to be alone awhile
27 - 30 The Great Confession
Mark 8; 18 (Memory Verse)
Mark 6-7
Mark 1st Gospel, simple, actions not discourses
Ch. 1 Introduction
Jesus, Son of God
Author John, God, Demons
Message: K of G at hand
Ch 2 and Ch 3 Miracles show power of God's Kingdom.
Popularity grows - opposition too.
Ch. 4 Parables. Kingdom of GOd is like.....
Ch. 5 Miracles Legion, Woman, Jaisus Daughter
Ch. 6 Training of Disciples
6: 1 - 6 Nazareth Who takes offense today?
All groups man
Don't be swayed from truth by influence of groups
6: 7 - 13 Two by Two
Message: Repent - some as John's
Customs of hospitality provided for need not to be necessarily rule now.
6: 14 - 29 Herod
Do we have guilt?
Herod a Jewish puppet King
disobeying Jewish Law (family intermarrying Father has killed babies at Jesus birth)
Who do we say Jesus is?
6; 30 - 44 Multitude 5,000
Jesus concern for people
THo12 (need rest)
crowd (Sheep without Shepard)
6: 45 - 52 Walking on the seas
Jesus needed prayer. Do we?
Do we have hardened hearts?
God's messages come in, go out?
Mark 8: 31 - Mark Ch. 9-21
Memory verse: 8:34 If any man would come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.
Mark 8:31 - 33 Jesus Renunciation
Disciples just made confession of Jesus as Messiah. Their concept" now in power and glory to over come all evil and set up an earthly K. of G. essence : Triumph
Jesus prediction of defeat at hands of Jewish authorities a completely opposite, irreconcilable concept. Peter Protests.
2. Peter voices Jesus own personal temptation; sternly rebuked.
Temptations in guise of concern and friendship - Willing to suffer personal lose, but friends don't see why.
donating time to church, charities
donating money
being a friend to an unlovely person
*Vocational goal (guiding children)
*Marriage choice " "
*Our responsibility in setting standards
Mark 8: 34 - 9:1 The Disciples Renunciation
Excellent in our guides
Great leaders get eager devotion by promising hardships for a great cause..
Churchill : "blood, sweat, and tears"
Jesus asks us to do only what He has done Military leaders LEAD - go first
Cross concept:
represented scorn and shame of decent society actual willingness to follow even to death
Book's interp. very helpful in stim discussion. Say no to own interest, yes to God's plan. The plan for daily attack on the devil.
Values: what in life is worth attaining? Worth living and working for? Ecc 1: 12 - 2:11
Defeated, purposeless living needless:
Whoever loses his life shall be find it!
Lose own life in doing God's will.
What has God commanded? Matt 25: 40
Acts 1: 8
Matt 5: 22, 5: 40 - 41
9; 2 -8 The Great Confirmation
Jesus has just made a great decision - face the cross
Now needs and receives confirmation of His right choice.
Disciples shaken at talk of defeat and crosses, assured that in spite of incongruities, God says what Jesus says is right. LISTEN TO HIM!
Moses = Law
>APPROVE; Jesus fulfills law and prophecy
Elijah = Prophecy
Jesus bring His plans to God. Do we?
9: 9 - 13 The Great Prophet
Still steeped in idea of earthly conquest and power. Wouldn't give a right interp. until after resurrection. Seeing Elijah reminded them of prophecies. Detailed idea of just what Elijah would do.
Quote: p.218
Jesus refers to John the Baptist and look what happened to him! Another reminder
Mark 9: 14 - 29 The Failure
"Amazement" due to timeliness of coming. The failure of disciples offered excellent opportunity to belittle "disciples" and Jesus as their master. We're always watched too. Do we disappoint those who see us? When we're disappointed, look to Jesus - not man's failings.
Jesus Reactions
Goes from the Great (purpose on earth)
Help for one individual
Nothing too insignificant
Wonders how he'll be able to entrust his work to these disciples in just 1 short week!
Proceeds to do what he can - aid the one man and son
Epilepsy indicated.
Father's Reactions
Come to see Jesus. dad to be satisfied with disciples
Faith now shaken
Jesus re inspires. Do we look to Jesus for help when doubts assail?
Jesus said failure was due to not living close enough to God. Given power' needed prayer to maintain
Never self sufficient
Mark 9: 30 - 10: 52 Journey to Jerusalem
9:30 - 32 Second announcement
Repeats prediction of his crucifixion and death (Mark 8: 31)
Question? Why were they afraid to question Him?
Jesus begins trip in far north; must pass thru all of Israel to get to Jerusalem
Needs to avoid crowds so he can train disciples
9: 33 -37 Which is Greatest?
Walking to Capernaum, Jesus home town. Disciples own nature makes them seek self glory though they recognize it is beneath their call as Jesus disciples ( "silence" is evidence)
Real question, what is greatness?
Fires are good if they carry smoothly and dependably
Iron is good if it irons easily and well
Cow is good if it produces much rich milk
*Man is good (great) as it fulfills it purpose on earth too.
Question? What is man's purpose?
Rom. 15:6 ; 6:20
Rom 15: 1 , Mark 9: 35, Mark 8: 35- 36
Not great because we have an honored job - Great if we serve well and willingly by in whatever task God sets before us!
Special emphasis on bringing children to know Jesus. (Family tasks, DVBS?)
Mark 9: 38-41 For or Against
Lesson in not being critical of other groups who serve the Lord Jesus
Even small gifts, in Jesus name, are great.
(Motives: thirsty child wants a drink. give to get rid of him? give because we love him?
9: 42 - 50 Millstone
Extreme importance of a soul - any soul!
Death, or maimed life (begging) "better"
Question? How do we "offend?"
Hell is no joke. Do we teach it or ignore it?
10:1 Judea
Jesus approaches Jerusalem
10: 2 - 9 Divorce
Moses "divorce bill" like our divorce laws; merely regulate an evil practice that doesn't seem to be able to abolish.
Jesus shows us the ideal;; God's Holy Plan.
This complete union of body, thought and will.
Closest thing to Heaven - mutual service in love.
10: 10 -12 Marriage
Grounds for divorce
Matt 5: 32 Unchastity or adultery
1 Cor. 7: 15 Malicious desertion
10: 13 - 16 Children
Children so precious because of their potential (love service)
Note Jesus real joy and concern (example for us)
Faith or trust that a child has
(Everything is ok; mommy's here)
(In the alley of the shadow of death I shall not fear for thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me)
10: 17 - 22 Rich Young Man
Honest seeker, but not willing to completely surrender.
Question? Do we think we can have cake and eat it too? (If it's a new dress or camp, which wins?)
Mark 10: 23 - 31 Camel
Hard to give up what we trust in.
Hard to Trust God
Question? Why were they "astonished" about rich men? (Church leaders, "Holy Men", often rich
All have possessions; all impossible
True all put things before God, IE sin.
But God provides the ay - Jesus Christ.
10: 29 - 30 Jesus forsook his family, gained family of believers. We the same. Bond among those of the like mind.
10: 32 - 34 Third Announcement
Disciples beginning to become aware of Jesus fate. Worry about own fate. Jesus now much more explicate, detailed ( correct)
Jesus voluntary choice. Satan must have tried very hard to dissuade him.
10: 35 - 45 James and John
Same Question of greatness
Impertinent question. Jesus a patient teacher
Repetition of secret of greatness
greatness = service
Jesus the perfect example
10: 46 - 52 Bartimaeus
Recognizes and announces Jesus a son of David - true messiah
Jesus recognizes title. time has come.
Jesus says Go your way. He does Jesus way.
Do we?
Ch. 8
1 Overview of Chapter - 12 - 59
Discussion with Pharisees <----> Jesus
Setting: temple near place of money collection
Jesus is teaching
Still time of Feast of Tabernacle's?
*Pharisees start on offensive Ph. there in person
(last ch. officers has unsuccessfully tried to capture Jesus.)
*Through chapter Jesus takes lead; Jews on defense.
8: 12 - 20
a. Jesus is light of the world.
b. Accusations about validity of witness
c. Jesus defense ; Witness of self and Father
8: 12 - 20
A. Light vs. Darkness Jn 3: 19
a light to follow
Soldier follows Captain
slave follows to serve
follow advice; act upon advice
follow laws of land; K of G
follow an line of though; understands take heed
B. Questioning whole claim of Jesus Messiahship
note ignorant of previous teachings or crowd murmuring purpose to arrest and kill Jesus
legitimate legal question : need 2 or 3 witnesses
C. Jews Answer
Perfect certainty; came from God, going to God 8: 23
Ex: surgeon may know self so well he can make a claim without corroboration
2. God also witnesses
Mark 1:11
Words of Jesus are God's words
Acts of Jesus are God's acts
In hearts of believers
3. Jesus as judge
John 3:17
Refusal to accept pardon, condemns us.
4. Knowing the Father
Jews concepts: One creator, king, judge, law giver, special concern for Jews could be "bargained" with an avenger on Jewish enemies
New aspects or forgotten aspects
concern for people
desires real communication with people
wants his creation returned to intended uses "good" fruitful
8: 21 -30 Jesus speaks plainly, yet is misunderstood
A. A time when Jesus cant be found or followed (contrast to 8:12)
All seek to find a meaning for living, one to serve if Jesus is rejected we strive after wind and die in sin.
We will not be with Jesus or his father
B. Contrasts
Jesus: I go one place, From above, Not of this world
Declare what I have heard from the Father (with God before creation)
Father always with me
(sin separates : Adam and Eve)
People: To another, From below, of this world.
Die in your sins unless believers.
8: 31 - 33 Truth sets us free
freedom from sin's hold
freedom from self interest
freedom from anxiety over our sins
freedom from death and power of the devil
*Illustration of Jesus as "Insurance"
People want:
death benefits
accident policy
old age assistance
Low premiums; don't bother me now!
8: 33 - 47
Bondage not in Jewish tradition. Not "slaves" even though physically subservient.
Abraham thought of as having reserve "good works" enough to cover his descendants.
Jesus rebuttal
you don't act like Abraham; he's not your father. Your paternity revealed by your deeds 38, 41 Abraham received God's messengers; They seek to kill
8: 41 Reference to Jesus birth?
Children of the One God (not idol worshipers)
8: 43 similar to 3: 19
8:44 Climax!
No escape
Jesus knows His own and His own know him(Build up in us. 38,41)
Murderer (they are plotting murder) temptation of Eve ---> sin and death to mankind.
we like flattering lies instead of truth final revelation of truth then very sad.
The truth hurts.
vs. 32 The truth shall set you free
48 - 59
Accuses of:
Being a Samaritan
Having a demon
50 Only true glory comes from God
Many seek own glory
Easy to seek glory or praise of others
Beauty, etc.
3. God will be judge of whose life was "glorious"
56 Tradition of Jews held that Abraham had some vision of the Messiah to come from his descendant. Hard to be sure of the source form present texts.
58 Jesus from eternity "I am"
(John 1;1)
John 37 - 43
Witness of God
many men
Invisible witness of God in heart when man sees Jesus.
Witness in Scripture
read it wrong way
loved own ideas about God
read to support own views
vs. 34, 41
"Argues not to "win", but to save men whom he loves.
Many imposters, proclaiming empires, victory
Jesus proclaims a cross
44 - 47 Ultimate condemnation
Moses pointed to Jesus
John 19 - 29
1. John writing about 70 yrs later after thought and guidance by Holy Spirit
tells what Jesus said and meant
2. " Son of Man"
from O.T. prediction for a "human" rather than beastial power to come. The Messiah.
3. Isaiah 35:6 "Lame leap as in hart"
(miracle just performed)
4. Giving life and judging are God's work. Claims vs His now;
19 - 20 Relationships of love, obedience
Confidence and fearlessness ( in spite of death)
21 - 23 Life in Christ: now and eternity (K of G)
judgement - depends on our reactions to Christ
receives honor - final triumph - God not defeated
24 Believe God is as Jesus says - love
Accept life he offers (service and love)
Help of Jesus and HS.
25 - 29 Spiritual death
stopped trying : "we are what we are PERIOD."
stopped feeling - sin, sorrow, suffering
stopped thinking - no new truth
stopped repenting
Consequences in eternity depend on action now
31 - 36 Witness to Christ
evidence of claims
John's witness
Works ( miracles) show the Father sent him.
- one witness not enough (Deut. 17.6)
- cant witness about self (Mishnah)
- rebuke about treatment of John
The Revelation of John
1. Background
A. Written to a church undergoing persecution, about 95 A.D.
B. Seems to presuppose readers know Gospel message and doctrine of salvation thru Jesus Christ
C. Written in symbolic, not literal language.
2. Views of Jesus Christ seen in Revelation
A. The Risen and Glorified Jesus
(Little reference to Jesus earthly life except reference to Lamb, or blood of the Lamb)
B. Mediation
God uses Jesus as channel to reveal what will "soon take place" (REV 1:1) to John and his saints on earth. Shows Jesus concern for us.
C. Exalted Ruler-
many symbols used seem to compare Jesus to Roman Caesar worship and show how much superior is Jesus, ruler of the universe.
D. Perfect Martyr
Many admonitions to Christians to be faithful to death. Implies Jesus, the Lamb, was. He is example to follow
E. Author of Salvation
Reference to Lamb and blood of the Lamb indicate readers know of Jesus death. Lamb, among other things, refers to O.T. sacrificial lamb for sins.
F. Judge
Jesus has been entrusted, by God to judge the world. Strong emphasis in Revelation.
G. One Who Comes
definite impression of coming "end times" which Jesus will usher in.
Can not clearly interpret when, or whether events predicted were in reference to early persecutions or the all time struggle of Christ's Church with forces of evil.
3. Brief Summary of the book
Rev. 1: 1 - 3 God-->Jesus-->angel-->John
Revelation of what is to come. Tells how message came.
1: 4 - 8 Greeting from John to Asian churches. Benediction of peace from Jesus given. Declares Jesus Christs immanent return; God instructions to write it down and send it.
1: 12 - 15 Visionary speaker described in glorious terms; comparable and surpassing those used in emperor worship.
1: 17 - 20 Words of comfort by vision (Jesus), telling who he is (beg and end; died and lives; hold keys of Death and Hades)
2: 1 - 7 Message to Ephesus
Commands testing of members and patient endurance
Urges return to love and acts of love
Warms that they will be removed unless they repent.
2: 8 - 11 Message to Smyrna
Jesus knows their poverty, endurance of false slander
Urged faithfulness unto death
Predicts a period of persecution
Reminds of triumph over 2nd death
2: 12 - 17 Message to Pergamum
Jesus knows their faithful witness
Warns of false teachers among them.
Warns of judgment if unrepentant; gifts if the conquer
2: 18 Message to Thyatira
Knows of faith, service, and patient endurance
Warns of "Jezebel" an immoral member who is leading others astray. Tells of her coming punishment.
Urges faithfulness to the end and promises victory and power over the nations.
3: 1 - 6 Message to Sardis
Church's faith nearly dead
Urges repentance
Warns of unexpected judgement, disaster otherwise
Promises "white robes" to the few who remain faithful
3: 7 - 13 Message to Philadelphia
Refers to smallness in face of "false Jews"
Promises the "false Jews" will bow to them
These will be spared the tribulation coming to others.
3: 14 - 22 Message to Laodicea
"neither hot nor cold"; roundly condemned.
don't see their need; self satisfied need Jesus "gold, white garments, salve" warned because loved. Jesus stands at door knocking.
4: 1 -11 Vision changes to view of a throne in heaven. Much adoration of God by creatures there. Impression of magnificent splendor.
5: 1 -14 God has a scroll whom no one can unseal. Then the Lamb Jesus, comes and opens it. He has the right and the power because He had been slain and ransomed men from all nations to God. All angels and creatures on earth and heaven then praise the Lamb.
6:1 -17 Six of the 7 seals on the scroll are opened. The openings are accompanied by
rider who conquers
A riser to take peace from the earth
Riser talking of measures of food for money, oils and wine used in worship? not to be harmed though
Death and Hades given power over 1/4 of earth
Souls of martyrs seen told to wait til rest of "their number" had been completed
Earthquake and terrible catastrophes drive all men to caves before wrath of the Lamb
7: 1 - 17 Final destruction of earth held up until those numbered among the saved are "marked"
A great assembly of those robed in white (washed in blood of the Lamb) is seen
The Lamb will be their "shepherd" (language similar to Psalm 23)
8: Seventh Seal opened
Lightning and thunder, earthquake, hail, fire, blood fell
1/3 of earth burnt up
1/3 of trees; all green grass
1/3 of sea becomes blood
star falls from heaven; makes 1/3 water "bitter"
1/3 sun and moon darkened
Eagle cries out "woe to those who dwell on earth"
9: 1 -12 First woe
Shaft of "bottomless put" opened and smoke and locusts escape.
Locusts allowed to torture all without "seal" for 5 months.
9: 13 - 19 Second woe
1/3 of mankind killed
9: 20 - 21 These woes do not effect a repentance in hearts of survivors.
10: 1-11 Another angel comes. Prophesies.
Says there is to be no delay, The mystery of God is to be revealed.
11: 1 -14 Period of time allowed for 2 witnesses to prophesy (1260 days)
2 witnesses to be killed; rise after 3 1/2 days. 2 Witnesses ascend to heaven.
End of 2nd woe
11: 15-19 Kingdom of he World becomes "Kingdom of Jesus Christ.
open praise to God similar to opening scene in heaven,
12: 1 - 17 Vision of a woman bearing a child tormented by a dragon.
Male child goes to heaven
Woman given a "place" and nourishment for a time (1260 days) by God.
Dragon and angels fight
Dragon (Satan) cast out of heaven (Victory)
Dragon pursues the woman ( She is protected by God and Earth - God's creation
Dragon then pursues her other offspring (followers of Jesus Christ)
Meaning of vision? Similarity to Genesis story?
13: 1 - 18
The dragon gives power to a beast of earth. IT is admired and worshiped by all except those written in the Lambs book. It has power to conquer and slay the saints for a specified times.
14: 1 - 5 Vision of those elect who worship Jesus.
14: 6 - 7 An angel proclaims the gospel to earth encourages worship.
14: 8 - 11 2 More angels warn of God's wrath on followers of the "beast" Satan
14: 13 - 20 The Lamb and angels reap the harvest with sickles.
15: 1 - 8 Seven angels are sent out with 7 plagues. Angels appears pure and white; carry wrath of God. Those who conquer the beast praise God
16: 1 -21 The seven angels pour out God's wrath, each causing a terrible plague. Seventh ends with earthquake and hail stones. Men curse God and do not repent.
17: 1 - 18 Description of harlot on 7 headed beast. She is drunk with the blood of martyrs. Her desolation and destruction of the beast ( earthly temporal powers) but the Lamb is foretold.
18: 1 - 24 Description of the fall of "Babylon" (thought to be Rome) merchants are sad because commerce is curtailed.
19: 1 - 10 Voice of a multitude in heaven praise God, declare God's judgement just. Time for marriage of Lamb and Bride (Church)
19: 11 - 16 A white horse is seen, he's called the "Word of God" King of Kings. He's followed by an army of white horses. His job is to rule and judge and smite the nations.
19: 17 - 21 The beast and armies of earth are captured and slain by an angel.
20: 1 - 3 The serpent, Satan, is bund and cast into the bottomless pit for 1000 years
20: 4 - 6 Martyrs and those entrusted with judgement seen to be raised to reign for 1000 years with Christ.
20: 7 - 10 Satan then released to deceive again for a time, but soon is caught and thrown in "lake of fire and brimstone."
20: 11 - 15 All judged
Those whose name not in "Book of Life" are cast into lake of fire
21: 9 - 27 The Holy City, Jerusalem, descends from heaven and is described in terms of magnificent splendor. (gold, jewels, radiance)
Fates are open, but no unclean thing will enter.
21: 1 - 8 God ( voice ) speaks declaring He will be God to His people, wipe away tears; give river of life. Warns lot of sinners is lake of fire.
22: 1 - 5 More descriptions of new Jerusalem's glory
22: 6 - 7 Revelation heard is "trustworthy and true" and speaker declares. " I am coming soon."
22: 8 - 11 Angels warns John not to worship him, but God. Tells John not to "seal up the words of prophecy."
22: 16 - 21 Jesus identifies himself (root of offspring of David, morningstar)
Spirit and Bride say "come"
22: 20 "Surely I am coming soon."
(character study as an example of "constant prayer"
Read Purpose
A. What does it mean to "pray constantly?"
B Look up and read Philippians 4: 6 -7
2. Introduce Nehemiah
A. 1200 - taking land
1000 - David organizes
700 - Assyria takes North
550 - Babylon takes couth captive
450 - Nehemiah
B. Personal.
Cupbearer (important post) to King of Persia
Part of Exiled Jewish community
Very interested in restoring center of Jewish worship
Hears news that progress in restoring is slow
3. Nehemiah's Problems
1`. Concern for bad conditions in J.
a. described God
b. confession
c. reminds God
d. plea and petition
Idea: J. needs to draw together; separate self; feel like a nation! Cities wall will help.
2. Needs Kings Help
King had ordered wall stopped. Needs permission, a leader (N.) materials, Gets everything and more. HOW?
Prayer! Gives God credit too.
3. Needs help to defeat enemies
Samaria (Sanballat) fears losing jurisdiction and land. So do other neighbors. Try to defeat building by
Neh. 4: 4 - 5 A. Ridicule (fox)
B. Plots
prayer and action---------------to attack, to seize N. (fake parley), to get N. to sin and lose respect
Neh. 4: 9
Question? Why was Nehemiah so courageous? 4: 14
Wall completed. Celebrations, reforms and reorganization. City populated. Temple worship. Teaching true law. After 12 years, Nehemiah goes back to Persia. Returns later to find:
4. Sin in Jerusalem
A. Tobiah in Temple 13: 4 - 9
B. Worship neglected; Tithes not paid so priests must work.
C. Sabbath trade 13: 15 - 22
D. Intermarriage 13: 23 - 31
Bible Study Training Session
1. Look over materials
A. Objectives of course
B. Daily Objectives ( survey the scope of the 10 lessons)
C. Examine one days workbook lesson
D. Look over teacher's manual
Preview section
Daily lessons
teaching guide
2. How to prepare for teaching
A. Read through the workbook
B. Assemble books on prayer, pictures, charts to use in teaching.
C. Pray
D. Workout each lesson before teaching it.
Read the manual for days lesson
E. Get plenty of sleep
3. Teaching techniques
A. Getting attention and keeping it
B. Over responsiveness
C. Unresponsiveness
D. Finished too early or too late " children"
E. Problem children
F. Using routines and helpers
4. Daily schedule and areas of responsibility
9:00 Opening assembly 30 min
9:30 Workbook 30 min
10:05 Music 10 min
10:15 Break 10 min
10:30 Memory work
10:45 Activities
11:35 Pick up and closing 10 min
5. Craft demonstration
Explain construction, daily schedule
Examine materials